Why I’ve written The Startup Funding Book

Startup Funding Gab – or Knowledge Gab?

There is a lot of talk about the funding gap that early stage startups risk falling into. Personally I think that this gap is way smaller than most entrepreneurs believe, and there has never been so much “risk capital” available from venture funds, business angels, crowdfunding and other sources.

Instead we need to address the understanding gap that exist between how founders and entrepreneurs think. It’s this understanding gap which most startups fall into. If entrepreneurs understood better how banks and investors think, they would know not to spend time pitching their early stage project to them and when the time comes to actually pitch, they would be much better prepared and have much better chance of success in securing funding.

I’ve been involved in startups for almost twenty years, as a founder and an investor. I’ve seen it from both sides. I’ve made the mistakes, looked for funding in the wrong places, counted the money before we had it. I know how it feels to be you, an entrepreneur with dreams and a great idea. I also know how it feels to be approached by you as an investor. I know that unless you send investors like me the right materials, at the right time, with your great idea derisked and bootstrapped, we won’t fund you. I know how entrepreneurs like you think and I know how investors think.

I’ve therefore written The Startup Funding Book.  This book is about building that understanding and preparing entrepreneurs for if and when the time comes for pitching their project to funders (venture capital, business angels, banks, public funds, co-founders, employees).

Most importantly this book is about what needs to happen, and what entrepreneurs need to do in the meantime in order to develop and derisk their startup project enough for it to become attractive to professional investors.

I want to help you think like an investor, so you can be successful as an entrepreneur.

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